Tempted by the Brooding Vet Read online

  Alex Morsi:

  Heartbreaker...or heart healer?

  The lush Dorset countryside is just what veterinary nurse Kiki Brown needs to regroup after her broken engagement. What she doesn’t need is grumpy-but-gorgeous new boss, local vet Alex Morsi, and the temptation of his sweet kisses! Yet the shadows in Alex’s eyes are all too compelling for soft-hearted Kiki. She’s been let down badly before, but can Alex prove that he’s the man who will always be by her side?

  “Would you be interested in a job? A member of staff recently left, and someone with experience is always useful.”

  “How long has the position been vacant?” she asked, dunking a piece of bread into her soup.

  “Not long,” he hedged.

  Something in his voice made Kiki glance up from her bowl. Alex’s closed expression was a sign that there was more to this person leaving than he wanted to share. Did it have something to do with him? She’d bet it did.

  “Why did they leave?” she asked, popping the piece of bread into her mouth.

  Alex cleared his throat and reached for another piece of bread. He took his time buttering it.

  She leaned back in her chair. He was definitely hiding something. It intrigued her all the more.

  “According to Anne, the woman found me difficult to work with.”

  Kiki didn’t bother to hide her grin, enjoying his discomfort. He was both abrupt and direct—she imagined many people found him hard to get along with.

  “You do shock me, Dr. Morsi.”

  Dear Reader,

  This book is a product of a spur-of-the-moment decision to enter last year’s Harlequin Medical Romance Blitz. With only a week to write the first chapter, I hoped for nothing more than constructive feedback on my writing.

  So it was a complete surprise when the request came asking to see more.

  Soon Alex, uptight and sexy veterinarian, flickered to life. A lonely man who needs someone special to love him. That someone is Kiki. A woman determined never to love. But as we know, love likes a challenge, and before Kiki can ward off Cupid, she finds herself noticing Alex in all the ways she shouldn’t.

  Thank you for picking up this book. I hope you enjoy Alex and Kiki’s journey to their happy-ever-after.

  And maybe your own spur-of-the-moment decision will take you on your own surprising journey. Fingers crossed it’s everything you hope and dream.



  Tempted by the Brooding Vet

  Shelley Rivers

  Shelley Rivers is a Bournemouth girl who spent most of her childhood reading. Married with a family, she now splits most of her time between reading, writing and pandering to the whims of her hilarious greyhound. Her hobbies include lopsided sewing, holey knitting and collecting old stuff that no one else sees the beauty in.

  Tempted by the Brooding Vet

  is Shelley Rivers’s debut title for Harlequin.

  Visit the Author Profile page at Harlequin.com.

  To my fabulous four—I love you all.

  To my dad, if you haven’t already been kicked out of heaven, then I hope you’re smiling down from a comfy cloud.

  To Boo, whose doggy snores I will forever miss.

  To Flo, thank you for your belief and patience. Without you, this book would have lingered as scattered pieces in my mind.

  And finally, to all romance readers, who are the coolest readers in the world!


















  Kiki Brown’s optimism hurtled to her toes as she searched the lush green Dorset landscape. Was it too much to ask for the planets to line up, or whatever they were supposed to do, so one small thing in her life went right?

  She had no desire to win the lottery, or spend her life encased in jewels and diamonds, but just once it would be nice if the fates stopped with their constant disasters and sly kicks.

  She either kept on walking in the hope that the elusive Fingle Lodge appeared like a rose-covered oasis from nowhere, or headed back to the car in defeat.

  She should never have trusted a ninety-eight-year-old’s vague pencilled directions. Her godmother struggled to recall her own name sometimes, never mind remembering how to travel to the old lodge house she’d long ago abandoned to weather and time after her beloved husband died.

  But the place sounded so romantic, set amongst sloping fields and miles from town. The sole surviving remnant of the vast Georgian estate of a family that had once retained the land and considered it home.

  And Kiki’s choices were limited after a year living and working in Alaska. A suitcase full of clothes and a redundant engagement ring relegated to the dark depths of her handbag, along with her crumpled tissues and faded hopes, didn’t give a girl a lot of choices.

  If she didn’t find Fingle Lodge soon she would remain homeless and jobless. Something she didn’t want and couldn’t afford to be. Her savings were small and her options unfortunately not much bigger.

  ‘Okay, Kiki,’ she said, in an attempt to boost her flagging spirits. ‘Let’s find this property. You’re not a quitter, no matter what a certain stupid male insisted seconds before you dumped him. You are an intelligent woman and you need no one—especially not a lying cheat.’

  Oh, good—now she was talking to herself. Give her a woolly hat, a couple of pretty cats and she’d morph into the stereotypical singleton, living a life filled with nothing but sad memories, bed socks and crocheted blankets to keep her warm throughout the night. Though she did rather like crochet blankets. They reminded her of her godmother.

  With another glance around the field, she made a decision. She’d give it another half-mile and then, if she still hadn’t found the property, or someone to ask for better directions, she’d turn back. The exercise would do her good, and the spring sunshine was pleasant after months of living in the cold and the snow. She certainly didn’t miss that part of Alaska.

  She ignored the pinch in her heart, pushed the thought away and continued across the field, dodging the many animal deposits and rabbit holes that scattered the area. Breathing in the fresh air, she let the stress of the last few weeks mentally drift away.

  So what if her life had hit a few bumps lately? Who wanted to live in a small town constantly seeing her ex-fiancé slobbering over other women? The same man who had believed it acceptable to drop the lace knickers of half the town’s female population months before their wedding. A wedding that, in truth, Kiki had been too much of a coward to call off until complete humiliation and battered pride had forced her into action.

  Well, she definitely didn’t want him any more. Just the thought of the man made her cringe and wonder about her sanity. She’d made some stupid choices in her life, but that one she put down to senseless panic.

  She was destined to be single for a while longer. Thirty-two wasn’t old. It wasn’t the full flush of youth either—but it didn’t matter. She didn’t even like men much, so the loss of yet another one from her life was no big deal. Just one more to forget and move on from. The same sad tune many a woman belted out.

  More upsetting was losing her job at the marine research centre. That she did regret. But that kind of thing tended to happen when you dumped a man who was not only your fiancé, but also the man who happened to be your boss. She refused to give him the opportunity to abuse his position and make her work life unbearable. And she knew he held a grudge.

  Ending their relationship in the middle of the high street, with most of the locals watching on, had ended with both her front and back doors being mysteriously blocked overnight by huge piles of snow and several large truck wheels.

  So, with her life in such wonderful disorder, it was important to find Fingle Lodge and get on with her future. Or lick her wounds until they ‘scabbed over and hardened’, as her godmother had so eloquently phrased it just before she’d handed over the directions and a box of food for the journey.

  If Kiki ever found the long-forgotten house she would make it her home for a few months. Somewhere to rest and reassess until she decided what to do and whether she could find a veterinary nursing job locally. She had worked hard to achieve her degree, and had spent six years using it in a city practice before leaving to work in Alaska.

  Was that a chimney showing between those trees?

  Kiki rushed towards the stile at the edge of the field and climbed over it, almost falling in her rush, thanks to the soles of her wellies slipping on the moss growing along the wooden step.

  The adrenaline rush pumping through her veins at the sight of one chimney was quite startling.

  Yes, definitely a chimney—and attached to it was a rather stumpy single-storey house with a good section of slipped roof tiles. The woodwork needed a fresh coat of paint, and a dead climbing plant concealed one of the windows with its skeletal stems and leaves. The whole place screamed neglect and despair and looked unloved.

  Stumbling forward, she dodged a large muddy puddle and moved to stand in front of an old sign nailed to a worm-riddled gatepost: Fingle Lodge.

  The last of the tightness in her shoulders eased and she glanced at the property once more. Well, it certainly needed work, but building repairs had never daunted her. Her parents, before their acrimonious divorce during her teens, had spent years renovating properties all over Britain and Europe. Sometimes for paying customers, other times for their own fun. Always for the love of the work.

  Kiki had lived in a stately home on the island of Jersey and in a castle in Austria before the age of ten. Unfortunately her parents had always spent money like water in a downhill stream, and had often had to sell each property to increase their dwindling funds before really having time to enjoy the riches of their hard work.

  Walking through the gap where she guessed a wooden gate had once swung, Kiki pushed past the overgrown lavender edging the rough flagstone path until she reached the front step.

  A dark green-painted front door blocked her entry. Paint peeled off in several places, exposing a light green undercoat. Trying the brass doorknob, she found that, apart from a slight squeak and rattle, it didn’t budge—no matter how many times she twisted and yanked on it.

  Leaving the step, she walked to the nearest window and peered through the dirt-glazed glass, making out an orange armchair, circa nineteen-thirties, and a yellow-tiled fireplace. She needed to drop in on the key-holder, who apparently lived close by. Hopefully, she might know of a way to get to this place without having to trample through several fields.

  She turned and spotted a large barn, several feet away. Built in grey stone, with surprisingly most of its roof still intact, it looked in better condition than the lodge. Intrigued, she wandered over to the building and dragged open one of its huge wooden doors. A strange sound greeted her when she stepped inside. She paused and listened, but no other sound followed. Pulling a face, she guessed either a family of rats or mice lived in its dusty depths.

  Screwing up her nose, she took in the abandoned tractor half hidden beneath a grubby moth-eaten bed sheet, several piles of carelessly stacked wooden boxes, a wicker shopping basket filled with dried flowers and a few scattered farm tools. Nothing very exciting or unexpected.

  She returned to the doorway, not in the mood to dance around rodents in order to investigate the dark rooms further in, when the sound came again. This time it sounded strangely familiar.

  Kiki paused and frowned. No, it couldn’t be... It wasn’t possible. But she could have sworn it sounded almost like...

  The whimpering sound started once more, this time joined by several high-pitched barks.

  Ignoring everything but the barking, Kiki rushed across the uneven dirt floor until she found a locked door in the second section of the barn. Staring at the suspiciously shiny new metal chain and lock fixed to it, she searched for something to break the padlock. Her godmother hadn’t visited the place in years, so whatever was inside that room had been put there by someone with no right to be anywhere near the property.

  Hurrying over to the collection of tools, she found a lump hammer amongst them. Returning to the door, she lifted up the chain and awkwardly hit the padlock with the heavy hammer, relieved when it gave up its steadfast hold after several hard whacks and bumped to the ground. Luckily, whoever had bought it hadn’t spent money on a decent brand.

  Throwing down the hammer, she tugged open the door, instantly overwhelmed by the rancid stench inside. Slamming the door shut again, she sucked in several deep breaths before steeling herself and opening it once more.

  Six badly malnourished dogs turned to face her. Two were tied to the wall with frayed old ropes; the other four sat in small tarnished cages not big enough for them to turn around in. All of them stood shaking in a thick layer of their own urine and excrement.

  A soft whimpering from the far side of the room caught her attention. Hurrying towards the sound coming from a roughly built enclosure created out of concrete blocks, she peered over the low wall to find three small black and white puppies, barely days old, snuggling into a weary and sick-looking female Papillon.

  A horrible realisation dawned on Kiki. An abandoned property, mistreated dogs and a locked door... The whole situation screamed of an illegal puppy farm.

  Swallowing sudden nausea, she blinked away the burning sting of tears and forced herself to think. She needed to get help and get it quickly. If this was a secret puppy farm, then whoever was responsible might return soon—and she doubted they would be pleased to discover her there, or to find that she knew their secret.

  * * *

  Alex Morsi pushed open the veterinary practice’s back door, ignoring the angry meows and hisses that promised feline retribution coming from the cat carrier he carried. For once a smile tugged at his lips, but he controlled it, uncomfortable with outward displays of emotions, and preferring to keep his good mood to himself.

  ‘I don’t believe it!’ A short, dumpy middle-aged woman with tortoiseshell glasses propped on the top of her grey spiky hair stormed into the room. Her eyes fixed on the complaining cat.

  ‘Morning, Anne,’ he greeted her solemnly.

  Anne ignored him and demanded, ‘How did you manage to talk cantankerous old Mr Evans into letting you have his Ronny? I’ve tried for weeks and he’s always refused.’

  The urge to grin almost got the better of Alex as his sense of elation bubbled higher. With practised effort, he curtailed it and instead frowned down at his head nurse. ‘I threatened to double his fees if he didn’t hand Ronny over. With his large flock of sheep, he can’t afford the slightest increase.’

  ‘You’re a cruel but brilliant man,’ Anne declared with awe. ‘You may be blessed with the exotic good looks of a Spanish matador, but you own the mind of a dastardly Irish genius.’

  Alex winced at the description, but knew most people thought the same. Sometimes he wished he hadn’t inherited his Spanish father’s colouring and personality—but then his mother had been a volatile Irish redhead who thrived on drama and tragedy, so he figured he’d got the better trade.

  ‘Allowing this cat to continually mate with the local females is irresponsible,’ he said, moving the attention from himself and focusing on the wailing feline doing his best to attack the walls of his plastic prison. ‘If Ronny isn’t put out of action soon, the town will be overrun with kittens.’

  Alex glanced towards the deserted reception area, his eyes narrowing as he noted a missing member of staff. Cold concern crept into his stomach.

  ‘Where’s Delia?’

  Anne folded her arms and glared at him. ‘She resigned yesterday.’

  His jaw tightened at the news and he held in a sigh. ‘Why?’

  ‘She says you’re the devil to work for and she would rather hopscotch naked through a flooded field with a group of rowdy drunks watching on than spend another minute in your unpleasant company.’

  He shook his head, causing his natural loose curls to bounce and move. A sense of injustice replacing his concern. ‘I offered her some sound advice and she took it completely the wrong way.’

  Anne raised an eyebrow. ‘She took it exactly the way you meant it, Alex. She was hoping you would feel sorry for her, but instead you insisted she pull herself together and stop whinging.’

  ‘Her constant moaning and crying gave everyone a headache,’ he defended, a stirring of guilt travelling through him.

  Perhaps he had been too blunt, but if the woman wanted sympathy she should visit a counsellor or a priest. They were trained to deal with emotional situations. Alex had endured enough female hysterics throughout his childhood to know to avoid it as an adult.

  ‘She’s in mourning,’ Anne pointed out. ‘Her ex-husband has recently died. A little understanding wouldn’t hurt.’

  ‘I bought her a condolence card...’

  Anne snorted. ‘No, you signed the one I bought. Delia’s mistake was thinking that beneath all your Spanish and Irish ruggedness beats a passionate and sympathetic heart. She soon learnt better, silly girl.’